In Yoga Hathi’s weekly classes we mainly focus on yogasana’s; the yoga poses. It’s only one of step of Ashtanga Yoga: the eightfold path as described by Patanjali:
- Yama’s
- Niyama’s
- Asana’s
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
The other steps of the path are offered in workshops and courses with themes like pranayama, meditation, going in depth in the yoga philosophy, yoga nidra, etcetera.
The manner in which we do the asana’s is referred to as hatha yoga in de West.
At the moment you can choose 3 variations of hatha yoga at Yoga Hathi:
- Classical hatha yoga: we begin with a concentration exercise and light warming up. Followed by several preparatory poses and classical asanas. We conclude the class with a relaxation exercise. On average, we keep the poses for a bit longer than other yoga practises. In that way you’ll build strength and perseverance. Each week focusses on a different chakra; another part of the body. This keeps the classes interesting and versatile. One yoga class will be easier than another, because every body is different.
- Restorative yoga: a combination between hatha and yin yoga. In this class we use the preparatory poses and the asanas to calm the body, the nervous system and the mind. We stay in the poses for quite a while but with gentleness and turn inside to find stillness, tranquility and comfort. The result is a more peaceful body and mind.
- Radical Relaxation: starts with about half an hour of asana’s to bring your attention inward. Yoga exercises inspired by yin and restorative yoga, so that your body and spirit, mind and senses can slowly switch off. And in the second part of the yoga class we do yoga nidra. Nidra means sleep. During yoga nidra you lie down, you set an intention, there’s a body scan, a connection of senses with feeling, a visualisation and a realisation (hopefully). An hour of yoga nidra represents about 4 hours of sleep. During this class you’ll make a good connection with your body, you sink deep into yourself and then connect well with your mind (intellect) to be able allow relaxation there also.
- Spicy hatha yoga also called Le Spicyis funky, jazzy and rocks. We turn the music on and do the exercises partly in a flow. You might even sweat… This class is suitable for you if you have some experience with yoga and/or like a challenge.
Some general remarks:
- In my yoga studio you’ll follow you classes in a relaxed and no-nonsense atmosphere.
- Most of the classes are streamed via Zoom.
- The way I teach hatha yoga is lightly based on Iyengar yoga; there’s ample attention on alignment.
- We’re working on bare feet on a yoga mat. Make sure your feet are clean at all times. You can borrow a mat at the studio but a personal mat will be better eventually.
- At Yoga Hathi we don't work with levels. I'll make sure you'll find a challenge when you're more experienced and I have variations if you're just starting, aren't very flexible (yet!) or when you have an injury. Also read my blog.
- Wordt veganist 😉
- Do you have any specific complaints or injuries, or are you pregnant? Please let me know prior to the start of the class. Obviously I will treat your information with the utmost discretion. And if you are in doubt if you can or are allowed to do yoga, please consult your GP first.
- Here you can read how my classes are constructed.
Trying yoga
Would you like to try if Yoga Hathi delivers what you’re looking for? Take a trial class for 10 euro!
Please make an appointment before coming, because I’d really like to take the time to guide you trough your first yoga class. Here you can book a trial class or you can email me at:
Some tips before you start your yoga class
If you’re going to do yoga, please consider this:
- Wear comfortable clothes (men: please wear long pants).
- Jewellery will be in your way.
- No gum.
- Don’t eat (or something very light) before a class.
- Drink enough water after the class (do not drink during the class).
- Women: don’t do any inverted poses for a longer period of time (consult your teacher if necessary).
- Mobile phones are OFF and outside of the studio.
- Share any injuries and limitations with your teacher before the start of the class.