Lately I’ve noticed that more people are joining online and/or are missing classes. In itself that’s not a problem, of course. What isn’t possible just isn’t, and following an online class every now and then is a nice substitute for a class in the studio. However, yoga works best if practiced regularly and with an experienced teacher.
I see an increase of regression in the performance of the exercises with people that miss a lot of classes or participate often online. I even see more injuries. Unfortunately it’s very difficult for me to adjust poses when people participate online.
From some of you I know the reason why it’s not (always) possible to join in the studio, and I do understand completely! In that case an online class is a good solution.
Please feel free if you’re participating online to ask questions if you doubt your posture is correct.
Try, when participating online, to meet your limits and to maintain the pose sufficiently.
Better even: come to the studio and join the group! Works wonders for your motivation, your perseverance and reduces injuries.