Last week the hatha yoga classes centred around chakra 3 and in this case the lower back especially. We did all kind of preparatory yoga exercises and asana’s like Ustrasana (camel), Bhujangasana (cobra), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) and Dhanurasana (bow) to end up in Chakrasana (wheel) – with or without help and support. To prepare, we used Backbenders; a slow and steady but deep method to open the front of the body and give more flexibility to the spine. In my yogastudio we have and use several props to deepen our yoga experience.
In my yoga tradition, it’s emphasised to work around a certain area of interest for a longer time. So most of my yogaclasses are centred around one chakra. Also, it’s recommended to stay in a yoga pose for at least 12 to 15 breaths. Last week we worked around chakra 3 and finished by doing (or trying to do) Chakrasana or Wheel – the pose of poses. This yoga pose needs a certain flexibility of the spine, so that is what we focus on mostly. We do this by warming up the spine, working on strength in the arms and legs and flexibility in the shoulders. I’ll give you a clear sense of technique, so that the yoga poses can be done in a safe way. When you’re in chakrasana, all the chakra’s open op. You will be stronger and feel more energetic and flexibility – physically and mentally. It’s actually wonderful.